Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Cream is Rising...

Big week for two division leaders...

Rojo and Jimmy both took steps in securing their playoff bids this week. While Jimmy now seems to have a somewhat comfortable lead, Rojo does have a challenger in Kurt. We've seen some crazy things over the years, so nobody is calling a win for anyone here. They are just in a good position right now. There were three devasting losses this week however. Me, Bang, and Chad all took a major step back this last week. I said last week that 5-6 is not out of it, and its not, its just a really bad place to be.

Jimmy watch... (16 straight 100+ games) (on pace for 2153)

Team pages will be updated online really soon, if they havent allready. I noticed some errors in the excel pages, those will be fixed eventually.

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