Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Top 5 Greatest Playoff Games (no particular order)

2001 - Championship Game - Kyle Vs Doc

Kyle wins this game by 1 point. I dont remember or have the score but we will never forget how Doc lost. Brett Favre (Docs QB) takes a sack to Strahan, which gave Strahan the record for sacks in a season, and Doc losses two points. Doc was so pissed that night. He hates Brett Favre to this day.

2003 - Championship Game - AD Vs DD

I still have nightmares about this game. My 2003 team was good, very good. Jamal Lewis was on this team (he was good back then). It was at the end of the game and Balitimore was driving. They got the ball down to the goal-line. I'm going to win!!! They hand the ball to Lewis and he... FUMBLES!!! I lost 92-97. if he scores instead of fumbling id have won 101-97.

2004 - 1st Round - AD Vs DD

It was a shoot-out, crazy like tonight's game. It went back and forth during the game. I had Marshall Faulk and at the end of the game he drops a pass at the goal-line. I lost 144-147.

2005 - Championship Game - Rojo Vs Dustin

What a great game this was. We werent sure who won. Remember, the score changed because of a stat correction. I forget what it was, but the result was a tie 130-130. Which then had us rushing to figure out what the tie-breaker was. Total Touchdowns. Count how many TDs each team scored and the team with the most wins. Rojo won 9-5.

2007 - 1st Round - AD Vs Kyle

My 2007 team scored a record amount of points, had Tom Brady and his 50 TDs, and was all but unstopable. Anyone else remember Tom Brady's second half melt down. Fumbled twice and threw 2 interceptions and went like 4-15. I literally fell out of my lazyboy, helpless to do anything. Kyle upsets Goliath 103-95

2009 - 1st Round - Rojo Vs Pitch

What a great game. Amazing. I enjoyed this alot. You'd have thought I had a team going. Adrian Peterson comes through for Pitch in his final year. Overtime. 158-153. Chavez informs me there will be a stat correction for Dallas Defense. It has them with 3 sacks when they really had 4.