Friday, August 25, 2017

Annual Blown Left Nut Award!!!

We all look forward to it (you know you do) just hoping it's not us. This year it's a tie. The two teams who played for the championship last year share the award. It appears (neither official yet) that Beas' 4th round pick Julian Edelman and Jimmy's 4th round pick Spencer Ware have blown the nut in preseason. It happens every year to someone, or multiple someones, and this year it's Beas & Jimmy.

Our condolences.

*Update* News out of Kansas City say they think it's just a strain in Ware's knee. A nut strain not a blown nut. That leaves Beas as this year's official winner.

*Update* News out of Kansas City now confirms Ware will be out for the season, thus Jimmy & Beas will share this year's award.

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