Wednesday, November 11, 2015

100 Career Wins...

There are some milestones that we try to celebrate. This is one of them.

Late last year Chad surpassed the 100 Career wins mark.  This year, this week, Dustin joins him.

Congratulations to both.  It takes time and success to reach 100.  Not to call them out, but Cow and Beas have been the greatest donors (?) to the cause, 11 and 10 losses respectively. Hey, I've tossed in 2 as well.  Dustin's been pretty damn good. 5 Playoff appearances and 4 Championship games to prove it.

Chad and Dustin join the club that has me, Beas, and Cow (all original members from 99) and Rojo as teams who have made it to the century mark.

We have two more teams that are getting close.  Pitch is sitting at 89 so it'll be a celebration for next year. There's not enough games left for this year.  But Jimmy's at 95 and has 7 weeks of games to reach the mark.

So for fun, how many games did it take?

Chad 224
Beas & Cow 199 (weird right?)
Dustin 173
Rojo 171 (got you by two Dustin)
AD 140

Jimmy's currently at 183 games.  Can he get there before Beas & Cow? 5 wins in next 16 games to tie.
Pitch is currently at 187 games.  Much tougher.  Would need 11 wins in next 12 games.

Good luck fellas...

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