Tuesday, November 24, 2015


Week 11, 2015 Alex Vs Cow

Week 11


  • Bigg Squad
  • 10-1
  • Weekly Grade: C
  • 97.15


  • Cow
  • 5-6
  • Weekly Grade: F
  • 43.43
Bigg Squad took advantage of 22.00 points from the Baltimore Ravens Defense and 15.85 from Tom Brady, drubbing Cow 97.15 to 43.43. With the win, Bigg Squad clinches a playoff spot. The beating gave Bigg Squad five blowout wins on the season. Cow (5-6, 1,004.56 points) sinks into 13th place and Bigg Squad (10-1, 1,366.64 points) remains in first place.

Top Players

    • Baltimore Ravens Defense
    • 22.00
    • Tom Brady
    • 15.85
    • Atlanta Falcons Defense
    • 14.00
    • Julius Thomas
    • 13.80

Smooth Moves by Bigg Squad

  • Was wise to sit the Oakland Raiders Defense this week, which had 7.00 points, the lowest DEF score on the team.
  • Bigg Squad won despite having only 2 of their 8 starters exceed their projected points.
  • The Baltimore Ravens Defense led the team in scoring and beat their projection by 256.0%, the fourth-highest percentage in the league.
  • Julius Thomas overachieved by 36.1%, scoring 13.80 points against a projected 10.14.
  • Both of the RBs came in below their expected points and it was still a win for Bigg Squad.

Toyota Roster Tune-up

  • If only we provided some kind of tool, like weekly articles, that would help Cow secure a victory. Oh, WAIT, we do.
  • Did not start Kyle Rudolph, who scored 22.60 points, surpassing his projected points by 287.7%, the second-highest percentage in the league.
  • Should've started Tony Romo, who underachieved, but still outscored the starting QB with 15.55 against a projected 20.42.
  • Tavon Austin was last in the matchup in scoring, finishing below his projection for the fifth time this season with 0.18 points against a projected 13.85.
  • Cow had 7 starters fail to reach their projections.

What If

  • If Bigg Squad played Cow every week, they would be 10-1 this season.
  • Besides Cow, Bigg Squad would have defeated eight other teams this week.
  • Bigg Squad would be 7-3 if they played the same schedule as Cow.
  • Bigg Squad would be 122-43 if they played every team every week.
  • Cow would have lost to 13 other teams besides Bigg Squad this week.
  • And they say procrastination doesn't pay off! Had they played each other last week, Bigg Squad would have lost to Cow 121.44 - 90.20.
  • Cow would be 6-4 if they played the same schedule as Bigg Squad.
  • Cow would be 66-99 if they played every team every week.

Game Notes

  • Bigg Squad scored 97.15 points against a projected 123.24 and has underachieved for three straight weeks.
  • Devonta Freeman scored a season-low 4.30 points and underachieved for the fourth straight week.
  • Bigg Squad was able to win with little help from Tom Brady, who had a season-low 15.85 points and is on a three-week underperforming streak.
  • It was a season-low point total for Cow.
  • We don't condone cheating, but this group of wide receivers might want to spray Stickum on their gloves. The 3.48 total points by the WRs on Cow was their lowest WR output this season.
  • What good are running backs if they are running backwards instead of forwards? The 15.50 total points by the RBs on Bigg Squad was their smallest RB output this season.
  • Two of the starters for Bigg Squad scored higher than the leading scorer for Cow.
  • Just because Robert Horry has seven NBA championship rings, doesn't mean he's one of the greats. Despite being on the winning team, A.J. Green scored 11.90 points against a projected 16.88 and has now underachieved in three straight games.

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