Thursday, January 7, 2010

Basketball is...

the #1 cause in sport injuries in the USA. Did you know that? Come on now, dont lie. It also may very well be the best sport of the major sports. Think about it. You cant play football, Hockey, Baseball, or drive fast race cars. Sure, you can play catch or join a softball league or something but its still not quite the same. Same goes with flag football. You can in Golf, but its expensive. Basketball is played everyday, almost everywhere. It's played by men and women and by kids of all ages. So then, why is it my least favorite fantasy sport? To be fair, we only have three sports with fantasy teams so its not a complete suprise it'd be last. Football is far and away #1. Baseball, for me, is a close #2. Basketball, however, is a distant 3rd. Basically a filler between football ending and baseball beginning. Is it the way the league is set up? Is it the scoring? Is there less strategy in basketball? Is it because I'd rather pay attention to the Thunder than a fantasy league team? We dont have a professional football or baseball team here. Is it just me?
Whatever it is... anyhow...
Watch out for E Wood when playing him in basketball this year, He uses some sort of Voo-Doo Curse Magic on your players and they get hurt. (see D.Granger)


  1. Fantasy Basketball is close to #1, football and baseball being close #1 also. I like the big 3 as much as the other. I get excited about draft day for each of them.

  2. Maybe fantasy basketball is your least favorite sport because you have never won a championship in this sport. Or maybe you haven't won a championship because it is your least favorite fantasy sport. Either way I would like you to step your game up--you did get a gift of a first round pick for a rookie that hasn't even stepped on the floor yet.

    On a side note the previous champions are:
    2009--Are we going to get some fresh blood in the winning circle?
