Thursday, October 20, 2016


Week 7, 2016

Adrian (4-2) Vs Jimmy (4-2)***One to Watch***
Power Ranking 13th Vs 8th

Jimmy leads the series 2-0 winning weeks 1 & 12 last year.  Adrian is 3-1 his last 4 but under 100 points his last two.  Its one reason he's 4-2 overall but has a 13th rank in the Power Rankings.  Jimmy is 3-1 in his last 4 as well but under 100 points in 2 of his last three.  No Cam Newton this week so it looks like it will be the Joe Flacco show for Adrian.

Jimmy favored by around 10 or so once they both fill in their line-ups

Rick (4-2) Vs Beas (5-1) ***Tango N Texas***
Power Ranking 14th Vs 2nd

Who's a Killer Beas killer? Rick leads the series 5-4, but Beas has won 2 of the last 3.  Rick lost week 1, went on a 4 game winning streak, and lost last week.  During that, he scored in the 70s three times, thus the low Power Ranking #.  Regardless, 4-2 is a great record after 6 weeks and has a chance this week to set himself up nicely at 5-2.  As one of two people (Cow) to start a season 9-0, I can tell you it takes a good team, obviously, few injuries, and mostly a lot of luck.  Beas' streak ended at 5 last week, but that's still an awesome start.  He had scored 100+ all season until his 70s dud.  For now we'll consider that loss and score an anomaly and move past it but we'll be watching for more signs of weakness.

Beas favored +2

Matt (2-4) Vs Chip (2-4)  ***Potential Game of the Week (seriously)***
Power Ranking 10th Vs 12th

2-4 is a tipping point because 2-5 may be a death sentence or just too large a hole to dig out of while 3-4 is basically back in the mix.  Matt has scored below 100 3 of the last 4 weeks after what seemed to be a pretty good start.  Trending down.  Did I say Matt?  Chip has scored below 100 3 of the last 4 weeks as well. 

Matt favored +5

Dustin (5-1) Vs Cow (4-2) ***Preditor Vs Prey***
Power Ranking 5th Vs 7th

Dustin leads this series 11-4.  Yep that's eleven (11) to four (4)!  I literally did a movie style double take looking up the info.  At one point Dustin had won 9 straight from 2008 to 2012.  Recently, however, Cow has fought back, winning the last two match-ups, one in 2013 & 2014.  Dustin began 2016 with a loss.  Since then, he's won 5 straight.  Cow started the season 3-0, but 1-2 his last 3.

Dustin favored by... a lot.  Cow has holes to fill but even once they are filled it doesn't look good.

Ryan (2-4) (1-0) Vs Pitch (3-3) *** 1-0, who's next?***
Power Ranking  11th Vs 4th

Ryan's welcome to the league was to play an undefeated 5-0, #1 Power Ranking ranked (at that time) Beas.  He won.  Week two he gets Pitch ranked 4th.  So, we're taking it easy on him I guess?  It's a good roster, in my opinion, and that division is in play. Big week for Ryan.  Pitch is 2-1 his last 3 and all three weeks were 100+.  Ben Roethlisberger, or the loss of, is the story here though.  It's also Elliot's bye week.  Sam Bradford to the rescue? Seems to be a theme nowadays.

Ryan favored +9

LaRon (3-3) Vs Alex (1-5)***I'm totally unbiasedly rooting for Alex in this one***
Power Ranking 3rd Vs 16th

I'm semi-impressed with guys who draft well, manage well, and do well with a team in any given season.  I'm ultra-impressed with guys who, for whatever reason, have bad teams but continue to fight and struggle throughout the season.  Adrian, among others, did it last year.  Alex is doing it this year.  16 guys competing for 14 weeks balls out.  That's what I want to see.  I bet that's what you want to see as well. Knowing that "balls out" is figuratively not literally.  

Alex leads the series 1-0.  For two weeks, LaRon looked invincible, 1-3 since then.  Vultures are circling looking for fresh meat.  Is Alex really that bad this year? Unfortunately, yes.  16th rank in the Power Ranking after 6 weeks is not a fluke, nor is a 4 week losing streak.  Not to pile on but he hasn't busted 100+ since week 1.  So... there's work to be done.  This could be a good week to sneak out a win if McCoy doesn't play.

LaRon probably favored by a little even without McCoy.

Chad (0-6) Vs Papa (2-4)***If Chad's going down, who's he taking with him?***
Power Ranking 15th Vs 6th

Guess who leads this series... yep, it's Chad, 3-1.  Chad's season is what it is, but no one, and I mean no one, loves to play spoiler, or is better at it, than Chad.  You could be 9-2 and he could be 1-10 and that bastard would beat you.  I think I know from experience, but my therapist says I blocked it out due to trauma.  Chad's scored in the 80s the last three weeks.  I'm not sure how Thomas is 2-4, other than just bad luck.  If you just looked at his scoring, you'd guess his record is 4-2.  That's why his Power Ranking is 6th but his record is 2-4.  

Papa favored by around 5 or so once Chad finds a TE to play, if Chad finds a TE to play.

AD (3-3) Vs John (4-2) ***Biasedly, Game of the Week***
Power Ranking 9th Vs 1st

John leads the series 4-2, tipping the scales last year winning both match-ups weeks 1 & 12.  If not for a gross miscarriage of justice against Odell Beckham getting pegged with a sack on a reverse where he pump-faked and ran out of bounds... I'd be 4-0 the last 4 weeks with two "Power Weeks". As it is, it's still 4 weeks of 100+ and some signs of life.  John's 3-1 his last 4 as well and has had 4 weeks of strong 100+ scoring.  So it'd appear we have two teams trying to get in a groove.

John favored +3