Sunday, January 3, 2016

Money Pools

Let's go swimming one final time...

Mandatory Entry Fee Pool 
16 X $20.00 = $320.00

Dustin - $200.00

Alex - $20.00
Beas - $20.00
Dustin - $20.00
Matt - $20.00
Jimmy - $20.00
Pitch - $20.00

Optional High Roller Money Pool
$20.00 per

6 teams participated for a total of $120.00
No team won the money, therefore the total will roll over to next year.
To qualify for the money next year, teams will have to ante up again.
If you did not participate this year, you will have to pay for both years to qualify.

Optional Big Spender Money Pool
$50.00 per

5 teams participated for a total of $250.00
No team won the money, therefore the total will roll over to next year.
To qualify for the money next year, teams will have to ante up again.
If you did not participate this year, you will have to pay for both years to qualify.

Optional Lucky Loser Money Pool
$10.00 per

8 teams participated for a total of $80.00

Papa - $80.00

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