Friday, November 5, 2010

100 Greatest.

The NFL Network has released it's list for the 100 Greatest Players.  Inevitably, anytime a list comes out, debate ensues.  Suprisingly, to me anyway, Jerry Rice was named #1.  I'm actually ok with that.  He was a stud and no other WR can compete with him.  There are some interesting rankings throughout the list and the site has a "fans" list as well.

Check it out, I think it's pretty cool.

By the way, the guy pictured left, gets my vote for greatest all time.  For those too young to have seen him play, you missed out on something very special.

So who is your #1?


  1. P.S. a note to Cow... we all know how much you love Randy Moss, but he is NOT the greatest of all time nor does he deserve to be anywhere near the top of the list. Come on man.

  2. My vote would go to Mr. Sanders. Not Deon but Barry. We can't forget that if he continued playing, he would have shattered records. He had the misfortune of playing for the lions but was still dominate. He averaged 5.0 ypc for his career.
