Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Week 13 Preview

Laron and Randy have clinched playoff spots.  That's two down and four to go.  While Randy has clinched a playoff spot, he has not clinched his division.  Kurt and Dustin still have a shot at the division and/or a wild card spot.  Cow still has a shot at making the playoffs via the wild card.  While Jimmy hasnt mathematically clinched, he basically has, one more win will do it.  The tie between Chad & Kyle may potentially screw with the standings, ties usually do.  The tie basically could mean that 7-7 wont make the playoffs, in fact, i'm quite sure now that 7-7 wont make the playoffs, unless of course, Chad & Kyle both lose their final two games.  Frank Gore's injury was huge, as it gave Rick a huge lead, but I think the fight in the Texas Division is far from over.

On to the match-ups...

Smashmouth Division

Kurt (7-5, 1069) Vs Randy (9-3, 1248)

Kurt got thumped last week by Dustin,ending a 5 game winning streak, but there are two more weeks left.  Win one or both of those weeks and he is in pretty good shape for one of the wild card spots.  With the year he has had, that's saying something.  Randy has clinched a playoff spot, although he did lose last week, ending a 7 game winning streak.  Now, with a win, either this week or next, he can clinch the Smashmouth Division and very likely a first round bye.  Randy has scored 100+ 4 weeks in a row.

Cow (6-6, 1231) Vs Dustin (7-5, 1413)

There was a movie out a few years back starring Denzel Washington called "Man on Fire", I think, I never actually saw it.  If it was about a team winning 6 of it's last 7 after losing it's first 5, I think I'd have chosen a different actor to play the Cow.  Trade of the year, no doubt, has got to be Cow acquiring Dwayne Bowe.  Who knew?  Dustin is in great shape, win one or both of the next two and he's more than likely got a wild card spot.  He could, with Randy losing two, conceivably still win the division.  All in all, after 12 weeks, all four teams in the Smashmouth Division are viable playoff teams, each with a clear shot to make it.  Dustin leads the overall series, 7-2, winning the last 4.

Run-N-Gun Division

AD (5-7, 1290) Vs Bang (3-9, 1051)

Nothing to see here, move along.

Matt (5-7, 1121) Vs Jimmy (7-5, 1494)

With a win, Jimmy will clinch the division.  He has scored 100+ 10 straight weeks, 11 out of 12 for the season.  Remarkable.  Jimmy will, more than likely, win his 2nd straight division title and be the only representative of the division in this year's playoffs.

West Coast Division

Chad (6-5-1, 1252) Vs Laron (10-2, 1442)

Chad & Kyle know I hate ties, so naturally, they tied.  Thanks.  Ties screw everything up.  Looks like they will have the opportunity this year as well.  The tie essentially eliminates 7-7 from making the playoffs.  Chad could lose this week and win next and still have a great shot at a wild card spot.  That being said, Chad really needs to win both weeks, as it's possible 7-6-1 wouldnt make the playoffs.  I think though, 8-5-1 would.  Laron continues, scoring 126+ four weeks in a row, his assault on the league and his quest for the 1 seed and a 1st round bye.

Kyle (6-5-1, 1344) Vs Pitch (5-7, 1242)

Kyle sucks.  Pitch could still make a wild card spot.  He needs a lot of help, but it's possible.  First though, he's got to win both weeks and have Laron win both weeks, it's doable.  Overall series is tied, 6-6.

Texas Division

Chavez (5-7, 1198) Vs Rojo (6-6, 1127)

Welcome Chavez, to the 5-7 club... it sucks. Chavez does still have a shot at the division though.  He has got to win both weeks and have Thomas upset Rick.  Rojo has, after all that's happened this year, a shot at the division title.  He needs this win against Chavez and then that will set up the huge match-up next week against Rick.  Obviously, Rojo and Chavez are rooting for Thomas to upset Rick this week.  Chavez leads overall series 8-7, winning the last two.

Thomas (1-11, 956) Vs Rick (7-5, 1195)

It's now or never, well for this year, Thomas.  If you're going to throw a wrench in the cogs, now's the time to do it.  Rick needs to win this week and then fend off Rojo next.  If he doesnt, the Texas Division is going to get really interesting.  They could all still finish 7-7, that'd be a mess.

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