Sunday, November 7, 2010

Monday Night Preview Week 9

The finals...

Rick (73) Vs Randy (121)  Rick falls to 5-4, Randy is an amazing 7-2 (get out of here)

Bang (63) Vs Kyle (142)  Yep, Bang Bowl 2010 was indeed a blowout

Still playing...

AD (101) Vs Laron (104) I'm finished (and not just for this week), Laron has WR Wallace and a 3 point lead

Thomas (47) Vs Kurt (92) Thomas has TE Miller, Kurt is finished but has a 45 point lead

Matt (101) Vs Pitch (94) Matt has QB Palmer, WR Ochocinco, WR Ward, and a 7 point lead, Pitch has Steeler Def

Chavez (39) Vs Cow (93) Chavez has QB Roethlisberger and RB Mendenhall, Cow has K Nugent and a 54 point lead

Chad (120) Vs Jimmy (148) Chad has TE Gresham, Jimmy has K Reed and a 28 point lead

Dustin (62) Vs Rojo (75) Dustin is finished, Rojo has WR Shipley and a 13 point lead

Player of the week nominees...

QB Rodgers - 49 points
RB Foster - 35 points
QB Rivers - 39 points
Packers Def - 39 points
RB Hillis - 33 points

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