Tuesday, November 23, 2010

2010 - The Lord Walter Camp Division Cup

It is with great joy and honor we present this year’s best division award. It takes meticulous research and hours upon hours of careful calculation to determine the ultimate winner. Every detail must be thoroughly analyzed and evaluated to ensure the credibility, validity, and accuracy of the final conclusion and outcome. Using a strictly secret cipher, one division is selected from amongst its peers as the elite division of the year. The Division Cup is awarded to that division which separated itself and rose above the others declaring its supremacy.  Though the final results were extremely close between two contenders, one division did indeed set itself apart for the second year in a row.

So, without further ado, the winner of the 2010 Division Cup is…


With a combined non-divisional record of 21-11, the winner of the 2010 Lord Walter Camp Division Cup...

Smashmouth Division

Congratulations, Randy, Kurt, Cow, and Dustin.


  1. Should also be noted, there is no monetary reward or compensation for winning the Cup. Pride and bragging rights will simply have to suffice.

  2. I would like to accept this award on behalf of the smashmouth division because it is evident that I have the best roster. Paper champions.

    By the way what were the other non-divisional records of the other divisions.
