Monday, November 1, 2010

Okie Basketball 7

Week 1 Review

Ad vs Raging Bulls

Ad starts off firing on all cylinders this year and is trying to win his 2nd Okie Championship, his 1st coming back in 2004. Ad had a great draft despite losing his hopes of getting KD35. Ad finished Runner-up in 05, and finished 3rd in 06,07. The Bulls, in the league since 04, has 1 title (08) 1 2nd place finish(04) and 2 bronze trophies (05,09).

Chavez vs Double Dribblers

This was a close one but Chavez pulled off the victory and has a nice start to the season. Chavez is trying to get back that mojo from last year when he won his 1st Okie title. He has finished 2nd once in 07 and has no Bronze trophies.

E vs Hash
Ewood defeats hash week 1. E played last year for the 1st time and made playoffs finishing 6th. He lost in the 1st round and is back to get revenge on the league. Hash has been in the league since 05 finishing 13th ,8th ,4th , 8th , 12th in that span. We will see if he makes any lineup changes this year, if not, he may lose every game.

Daddy Fat Sacks vs Southside Ballhugger

This one was very close until Saturday when the Ballhuggers turned it on. These 2 teams will be very good all year and could possibly meet in the playoffs. Daddy fat Sacks has been in the league since its inception (I want to see that movie) and has 1 championship (06), two 2nd place finishes 08,09 and a bronze in 04. Ballhuggers came into the league a year later and has 2 titles (05,07) a 2nd place finish in 06 and a bronze in 08.

That is your week 1 review. Good luck the rest of the season to all players and GO THUNDER!

1 comment:

  1. The SouthSide Ballhuggers are like the celtics and lakers wrapped into one team. 3 cheers for another year of domination from the huggers!!!
