Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Week 12 Preview - Divisional Play

The time has come. Non-divisional games have ended. The race for the playoffs truly begins. These next three weeks and then the playoffs are where true rivalries are born. These are the games that bring forth the bragging rights for years to come. These are the moments we remember. Here are the weeks that defeat crushes and victory exhorts.

Division Play

Smashmouth Division

Cow (5-6, 1118) Vs Randy (9-2, 1140)

This has been Cow's "Season of the Phoenix". Beginning 0-5 and in a dreadful state of existence, mocked and ridiculed by many, his season has been reborn through the ashes. Over the last 6 weeks, he has gone 5-1, scoring 149 & 137 in his last two. Making the playoff is not some far-fetched dream or impossibility; it has now become a distinct possibility. Though he did not fare very well, going 0-3, in division play the first time around, he has become one of the more intriguing teams of late. At 5-6, he'll likely need to win all three weeks to make the playoffs, though 7-7 could still make it. Randy, on the other hand, continues to cruise to the division championship. However improbable or unlikely his chances were at the beginning of the season, He is now the team to beat and the unquestioned power-house of the Smashmouth Division. Some may maintain that luck was his fortune, but the last three weeks he has scored, 121, 114, and 172.

Kurt (7-4, 985) Vs Dustin (6-5, 1267)

Without really noticing, Kurt has quietly won the last 5 weeks in a row. (2nd longest such streak to Randy's 7) I suggested last week that E_Wood's Voodoo Magic was to blame, but perhaps an easier part of the schedule, luck, or some other reason is more likely. Even with all the roster issues, especially at QB, Kurt has got himself in position to make the playoffs if not the division title, however absurd it may be to the rest of us. That being said, he has scored 100+ in three of his last five. With a thrilling Monday Night victory against Jimmy, Dustin kept his season alive. We may look back on that game as the turning point for his season. He has been high-powered this season, but has lost 4 of his last 6 match-ups. Losing that game, i think, would have eventually done him in. As it is, he is still very much in the race. At 1267, he leads the Smashmouth Division in scoring for the season. He'll need that to continue over the next three weeks.

** Interesting to note that Randy, Dustin, and Kurt are all tied within the division at 2-1

Run-N-Gun Division

Bang (3-8, 962) Vs Jimmy (6-5, 1364)

1-7 over the last eight weeks for Bang, with no light at the end of the tunnel. I wonder if he holds his 2008 Championship ball for comfort. He did break 100+ last week for the third time this year. That's something, right? He can take comfort in knowing that there are three weeks left for him, not to redeem his season, but to destroy someone else's. While I have never experienced that kind of joy, I know of others who have relished in it for years. Jimmy is the first potential victim. Losing last week was bad for Jimmy, but not tragic or devastating. He still leads the division. He is still the highest scoring team. He still has the best chance of winning the division and making the playoffs. He has still scored 100+ in now 9 straight weeks, which considering the changes we've made this year is very impressive. He could very well win the next three and finish the regular season a very respectable 9-5 and be the division winner.

AD (4-7, 1211) Vs Matt (5-6, 1067)

Losing last week was crushing for me. I'm sure the COWboy has been savoring his victory all week, though he has not called to brag or rub it in yet. Perhaps that is his plan, enjoying my anguish while remaining quiet, and even some might think, humble. Even winning the next three straight would only get me to 7-7. While that may, and that is a very week may, be enough to get into the playoffs, it is a very long long-shot. One might point out that Jimmy could lose 2 of 3 and be 7-7 as well. I guess there are still, possibilities, however unlikely they seem. It's just as likely, I'd say more likely by far, that Jimmy will win all three. Sometimes there is just simply bad luck or misfortune that one just can't overcome. That being said, I'd very much like to avoid having a losing season and, even more, I'd like to avoid missing the consolation round of games. Not playing games weeks 15, 16, and 17 is terrifying but a real possibility. Remember the bottom four teams are left out of the playoffs all together. Week 14 will be their finale. Matt has a chance, albeit perhaps small, of actually winning the division. Obviously everything would have to swing his way, but it could if Jimmy falters. Matt has lost his last two, disappointing losses, only scoring 80 & 68. He'll need to get out of that slump to compete.

West Coast Division

Pitch (5-6, 1145) Vs Laron (9-2, 1288)

Pitch snapped a terrible losing streak (4 straight) last week with a win over Rojo. For me, any losing streak more than two is terrible, and even two is bad. I'm sure the rest of you agree. I doubt Pitch has a realistic chance at the division title seeing how Laron already has 9 wins, but making the playoffs is still obtainable perhaps. Win three and he is 8-6. Long shot, yeah maybe, but it is at least there to go for. Meanwhile, Laron just keeps doing what he does, win. At 9-2, he barely has a challenger to his division crown. Sure, Kyle or Chad could win three straight and Laron could lose three straight and then it would come down to the tie breakers, but does anyone actually see that happening? Laron's ambition is now for one of those coveted 1st round bye positions. Safe harbor for the first week of the playoffs, that's where he'd like to be.

Chad (6-5, 1160) Vs Kyle (6-5, 1252)

I think this game is huge. Mainly because I think the winner of this match-up will make the playoffs. Sure, the loser could then win two straight while the winner loses two straight, but I don't think that's what will happen. Before last week's absolute dud, Chad had scored 100+ seven weeks in a row, winning five of them. Last week's loss set Chad back a little, I mean it sure didn't help the cause, but it wasn't fatal or something he can't overcome. Kyle, meanwhile, has won six of his last eight, looking very much like a playoff quality contender. I don't know how much Sidney Rice will contribute this year, but if he becomes anything like he was last year, Kyle will be just that much better. While Dustin's team is an example of trading well and Laron's team is an example of acquiring free agents well, Kyle's team is an example of wise franchise tags and an excellent draft. He has made very few moves this year because he has not had the need. I couldn't say the same for my team.

Texas Division

Chavez (5-6, 1124) Vs Rick (6-5, 1116)

What the hell is going on in Texas? Who is going to win this division? Well, if we wanted a Texas shoot-out the first year, we got it. Three of the four teams are right there. Chavez has had a bit of a rough go of late. He has lost three of his last four, which amazes me. Roethlisberger, Gore, Mendenhall, and Boldin seem like a very heavy lead four to have, but have failed to produce wins. I didn't even mention Benson, who went for twenty last week. I think the key here is to not panic. That's a quality starting roster. How far it will go, I don't know, but I'd feel pretty confident going forward with that line up. Rick won last week ending two bad streaks. He'd lost three in a row and hadn't scored 100+ for three weeks. It was a big win for those reasons, but it also gave him a lead in the division. That may turn out to be huge, if not monumental. Winning the division is obviously the priority, but any of these teams could vie for one of the wild card spots as well.

Thomas (1-10, 911) Vs Rojo (5-6, 1031)

I find it interesting that after 11 weeks, Thomas has scored 911 points. 911, indeed. There is no help coming, at least this year. This season is done, but Thomas has the unique opportunity to crush the hopes and dreams of the other teams and alter the Texas division standings. They may ridicule and mock him for years to come, if we knew him better we might as well, but he has the chance to fire back at them. He might be able to say, "yeah I was pathetic, but I took you out". As I've mentioned before, that kind of perverse joy can last for years and years, we've seen it. I'm not sure, but I'd also imagine that Thomas doesn't want to go down in league history as the worst team of all time. 1-13 would do it. So I'm sure he is properly motivated. Rojo has simply had one of those years. Chris Johnson is good. Austin was good. Tomlinson was good for awhile. Collie was good until he got hurt. QB has been a nightmare. It seems, at times anyways, that Rojo has had a miserable year, but he is 5-6. He is right in the thick of the division, hell, he could win the division. Needless to say, the next three weeks will sort out the Texas division and it will be exciting and dramatic.

1 comment:

  1. Awesome preview for the upcoming week. How awesome is it that we get to watch three games tomorrow. Good luck everyone
