Tuesday, November 30, 2010

End of year award voting.

Ok, so I'm going to put up two polls, one for Manager of the Year and another for league Player of the Year.  We have two weeks left in the regular season, so you dont have/need to vote on them yet.  Deadline will be Midnight Monday the 13th.

Just as a frame of reference, I'm voting for a manager that drafted well, traded well, and acquired talent via free agency.  Someone who made tough decisions and came out the better for it.  Overall record and points scored will go into consideration, but not be the only criteria I use.  Basically, when one looks at all the teams and all that has transpired throughout the year, who's done the best job managing their team this year?

Same goes for Player of the year.  What player impacted their team's success?  Who was consistent?  Who had an outstanding year? It's not always the guy who scores the most points, I think, although it often has been.  Just a couple of thoughts to consider over the next few weeks.

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