Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Current Career Wins list...

For those who may be wondering, here is the career wins list, updated to this week.

127 - AD - 12th season
94 - Chavez - 12th season
90 - Cow -12th season
82 - Bang - 12th season
80 - Rojo - 9th season
76 - Kyle - 10th season
65 - Doc (not active) 7 seasons
61 - Chad - 10th season
49 - Dustin - 6th season
47 - Jimmy - 7th season
47 - Pitch - 7th season
22 - DD (not active) 2 seasons
21 - Kurt - 4th season
18 - Neil (not active) 3 seasons
14 - Matt - 4th season
5 - Laron - 1st season
3 - Randy - 1st season
3 - Rick - 1st season
1 - Thomas - 1st season

For future reference, this information can be accessed in records/career wins.

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