Monday, October 25, 2010

Week 7 - Player of the week.

Darren McFadden basically abused the Denver Broncos. At the end of this game, Denver players were calling him "Daddy". He simply made them his bitches.
165 rushing yards, 3 rushing TDs, 2 receptions for 31 yards and 1 receiving TD for a total of 45 points.


  1. If Bradshaw goes off for 50 tonight, I want a recount. Probably wont happen but in the future, I recommend we give player of the week award "after" the week is over.

  2. Monday night games dont count toward player of the week.

  3. what do you think of that? bitch.

    when/if something like that were to happen, we'd have a two man runoff for POW.

  4. Bitch? Listen Aric, don't take your frustrations with the first half of the season out on me. I only count as 1 loss towards your record. I don't mean any harm. Like I've said before, please refer to the inaugural Run n Gun Division champion as sir. I simply thought you had forgotten there is a game on Monday night that also counts towards week 7. Oh, and no, I won't call you a name in return. Your still my boy!

  5. My apologies, dear sir. In the future, I will endeavor to be more cival and gentlemenly. (you suck...hehe)
