Tuesday, October 26, 2010

One of my concerns...

with expansion was that the four new teams might have a hard time competing at first. They would not have the advantage of franchising players from last year's roster. They'd be starting from stratch and that would put them at a disadvantage right from the start, especially considering the deluted player pool that having 16 teams would create. It might take them some time to get used to the way we do the scoring, as we are different than most leagues in terms of scoring and roster positions. My concern was that if they fell behind they might become disinterested and we'd lose them the first year.

So, after 7 weeks... how are the rookies doing?

Well, they are a combined 17-11 with 14 100+ games. Three of the four currently lead their division and it is completely possible and probable that those three go on and make the playoffs. They have been active in trades and waiver wire acqusitions. They know what they are doing. So, dont be shocked, if come week 15, we see three of the six playoff spots occupied by these so called... rookies.

1 comment:

  1. Could it be a case of beginners luck? Will it last? Will this be there best year ever? Kurt, Kyle, and Matt had their best year of their career as a rookie so there is a precedence to have good rookie years and then fall off. Think Michael Clayton WR Tampa Bay.
