Sunday, October 31, 2010

Week 8 Monday Night Preview

Those that are final...

Rick (94) Vs Kurt (105) Rick goes to 5-3, and Kurt gets back to .500 at 4-4

and the rest...

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Week 8 Preview.

Hello week 8 everybody. The first half of the regular season is over and done. Now it's on to the second half of the season and the race for playoff positioning begins. Teams in the lead are looking to stay there and we, that are behind, are looking to make a surge. Activity, as documented previously, is at an all time high. Trades and waiver wire aquistions continue at a feverous pace and I look for that to continue up to the trade deadline in two weeks.
But, let's not get too far ahead of ourselves - on to week 8

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Opening Night is tonight...

7:00 P.M. is tip-off.

Television - ESPN & Fox Oklahoma

If you are wondering where I'll be tonight, you have your answer.

Finally all the preseason hype can come to an end. All the MVP talk, playoff talk, and championship talk will hopefully take a back seat to just real games. Let's play the season first before we give out awards.

Tonight should be fun. The last game was a game 6 defeat to the eventual NBA champion Lakers and us fans cheered our players for giving us a great season. I look for the arena to be jumping.

*UPDATE* We kicked their ass.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

One of my concerns...

with expansion was that the four new teams might have a hard time competing at first. They would not have the advantage of franchising players from last year's roster. They'd be starting from stratch and that would put them at a disadvantage right from the start, especially considering the deluted player pool that having 16 teams would create. It might take them some time to get used to the way we do the scoring, as we are different than most leagues in terms of scoring and roster positions. My concern was that if they fell behind they might become disinterested and we'd lose them the first year.

So, after 7 weeks... how are the rookies doing?

Well, they are a combined 17-11 with 14 100+ games. Three of the four currently lead their division and it is completely possible and probable that those three go on and make the playoffs. They have been active in trades and waiver wire acqusitions. They know what they are doing. So, dont be shocked, if come week 15, we see three of the six playoff spots occupied by these so called... rookies.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Thanks for play'n

The rookie Fullback missed a block on this play.
It's broken. Recovery time just reported, 8-10 weeks.
No need to go scrambling to the free agent pool looking for Kitna, I've had him on my roster for a couple of weeks now.

Week 7 - Player of the week.

Darren McFadden basically abused the Denver Broncos. At the end of this game, Denver players were calling him "Daddy". He simply made them his bitches.
165 rushing yards, 3 rushing TDs, 2 receptions for 31 yards and 1 receiving TD for a total of 45 points.

Trading Post

Four new pending trades, as activity continues at a record pace.

Chavez sends RB Thomas Jones & TE Heath Miller to Thomas for RB Cedric Benson & TE Dustin Keller

Jimmy sends QB Chad Henne & WR Devonne Bess to Thomas for WR DeSean Jackson & RB C.J. Spiller

Dustin sends WR Jacoby Jones to Thomas for WR Malcom Floyd

AD sends TE Kellen Winslow to Kurt for RB Ronnie Brown

This is the first trade of the year for Chavez, It's Jimmy's 3rd, Kurt's 2nd, My 4th, Thomas's 4th, 5th, and 6th, and Dustin's 7th. Which, as we recently learned, is a record for most trades by a single team in a season.

*UPDATE* all trades completed

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Week 7 - Monday Night

Oddly, there is just one match-up that is final.

Chavez (149) Vs Laron (119) Talked the talk, walked the walk.

On to the rest of the league...

Friday, October 22, 2010

New Segment... Q&A.

Question: What's the all-time record for number of trades in a season?

Trading Post.

After learning of TE Finley's knee injury, Dustin has been burning up the trade talks attempting to acquire a high quality replacement. Look's like he has done it. If the trade makes it through the veto process, it will be Dustin's 6th and Randy's 2nd trade of the year.

Pending Trade: Dustin sends WR Marques Colston to Randy for TE Jason Witten.

Interesting inter-divisional trade, both teams are 4-2.

*UPDATE* Trade completed.

Score Index added...

I've added a score index to the league scoring link. It keeps track of scoring percentage (percent of the number of times our teams score a particular amount) and winning percentage (winning percentage of our teams when they score that particular amount). It's just another interesting (at least to some) statistic to look at.

*Spoiler* (Scoring 120-129 points does not necessarily get you a win.)

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Note to the Experts

For my first article I would like to focus on something that everyone in this league can relate to (especially since we moved to a 16 man league). It is about the waiver wire tips that the so called “expert” fantasy writers and fantasy sites suggest. I personally read a lot of different sites just to keep up with the daily happenings of the league so that I may capitalize when an opportunity presents itself….at least that is the theory behind the action. So I really fuel their fire (but that’s a whole different article).

Chavez has written a new song...

Readers beware!

While we encourage creative expression, we recognize not everone's tastes are the same. Having said that, I haven't stopped laughing since I saw his new song. Is it vulgar and disgusting? Of course it is, Chavez wrote it.

That being the case...

okiesports records is (excited?) to introduce it's latest single:

Big Panties.

Okie Basketball

With the draft just 3 days away, I thought it would be cool to see some of the more impressive fantasy basketball players over the years. There is no real order other than leading off with the best player of all time:

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Preview Week 7

Week 7, the new half-way point... mid-terms, if you will. No team is out of the playoff race yet, though 1-5 looks daunting to say the least. A comeback is not impossible, however, we've seen it before. We've also seen teams start off great and then hit a wall and miss the playoffs. It goes both ways. Weeks 4-10 are for the various bye weeks for the teams, we can tell because of all the scrambling going on... injuries arent helping either.

Let's check in on Division scoring...

Smashmouth - 2,224 pts and an overall record of 11-13
Run-N-Gun - 2,479 pts and an overall record of 11-13
West Coast - 2,593 pts and an overall record of 15-9
Texas - 2,400 pts and an overall record of 11-13

Appears West Coast is leading the way.

On to this weeks preview...(WARNING: there is some foul language)

Week 6 - Player of the Week...

Dwayne Bowe had a breakout week...

6 receptions for 108 yards and 2 TDs scoring 28 points.

Do those numbers blow you away? Well, they're pretty damn good. Considering that Bowe was the main reason Cow won and busted his losing streak in week 6, Bowe was, no doubt, the player of the week.

Congratulations again.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Week 6 - Monday Night Preview

The ones that are final...

AD (136) Vs Pitch (149) - Great for Pitch, sucks for me
Thomas (100) Vs Cow (111) - 1st win of the year has to feel great
Chavez (116) Vs Kurt (72) - Chavez cruises, Kurts qb troubles continue

Those that are still playing...

Matt (55) Vs Laron (92) - Matt has Nate Washington, Laron is finished but has 37 point lead
Rick (81) Vs Dustin (98) - Rick has Marcedes Lewis and Titans DEF, Dustin is finished but has 17 point lead
Chad (104) Vs Bang (79) - Chad is finished but leads by 25, Bang has wrs Sims-Walker and Britt
Kyle (57) Vs Jimmy (136) - Kyle has Jones-Drew and K Bironas, Jimmy is finished but leads by 79
Rojo (31) Vs Randy (90) - Rojo has Chris Johnson and K Scobee, Randy is finished but leads by 59

Friday, October 15, 2010

What happens when Cow wins?

For those who dont know, Cow is one of the more popular teams of our league world wide, so when his team ends a horrible streak, it's party time.

So what happend?

You're gonna go far, Cow...


Thursday, October 14, 2010

Trading Post is still active...

There have been 9 trades so far. So yes, very active year to this point. I wonder if trade activity has been, and will continue to be, spurred on by the number of teams and lack of viable free agents in the free agent pool. If so, that's an unexpected and unintended, yet exciting and satisfying, consequence of expanding the league.
Pending Trade - Jimmy sends Steve Smith WR NYG to Chad for Felix Jones RB DAL
Again, I wont discuss the wisdom here (thank you President Obama) but that's what the comments section is for.

Week 5 - Player of the Week...

Malcom Floyd

8 receptions for 213 yards and a touchdown equals 35 fantasy points and player of the week honors for week 5.

For Highlights,

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Current Career Wins list...

For those who may be wondering, here is the career wins list, updated to this week.

Week 6 Preview

EARTHQUAKE EDITION: Apparently there was a 4.5 earthquake this morning... I was up, and didnt feel a damn thing. My first earthquake and didnt feel anything.

Also, the Chile rescue: The news coverage is cracking me up. They are trying to make everything such a big deal. I know whats going on is tense, but come on news coverage... you're wearing me out. Good to see those guys making it out ok. one other thing, if you're not from Chile, you dont have to pronounce it like they do. Just say Chile, like the rest of us.

On to football,

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Congrats, Los Rojos...

It took 141 games, a winning percentage of .567, to get career win #80.
First win - Week 1, 2002 (141-85) Vs Kyle. In fact, Rojo won his first 6 starts, beginning 2002 6-0.
First Playoff win - Week 17, 2002 (75-45) Vs Cow. Unfortunately he had lost week 16 that year to Chavez.
Championship win - Week 17, 2005 (130-130) Vs Dustin tie breaker 9-5 touchdowns scored. This was a thriller, as you can tell.
2nd Championship win - Week 17, 2007 (136-92) Vs Kyle.
Most wins in a season - 12, and that's been each of the last three seasons (07, 08, 09) - very few teams have had multiple 10+ win seasons, much less having 3 straight.
since 2007 - 39-17 for a .696 winning percentage. Pretty good.
Correction: Rojo had 11 wins in 08. So thats 12 in 2007, 11 in 2008, and 12 in 2009.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Week 5 - Monday Night

AD Vs Chad (125-108) Start Felix Jones instead of Manningham (who scored 0) and Chad still losses, but only by 2.
Rick Vs Cow (118-77) Not another player gone for the season?!... That's snake bit. Personally, I'm saddened. I enjoyed seeing Clayton having success, especially with Sam as his QB.
***Monday Night***
Thomas Vs Dustin (97-113) Thomas has TE Dustin Keller... Dustin is finished, but has a 16 point lead.
Matt Vs Kyle (61-130) Matt has two players, Adrian Peterson & Jerricho Cotchery... Kyle is finished, but has a 69 point lead.
Chavez Vs Randy (80-74) Chavez is finished, but has a 6 point lead... Randy has Santonio Holmes.
Bang Vs Laron (69-108) Bang has the Vikings DEF... Laron has the Jets DEF and a 39 point lead.
Pitch Vs Jimmy (107-82) Pitch is finished, but has a 25 point lead... Jimmy has newly acquired Randy Moss.
Kurt Vs Rojo (67-100) Kurt is finished and down by 33 points... Rojo has Favre & Tomlinson still left to go.

Friday, October 8, 2010

Chouteau Trading Post - 1st Edition

Holy Cow!!! The doors are open for business. Three trades are pending as of this moment.

Trade #1 - (Cow) Andre Johnson & Jerome Harrison for (AD) Eddie Royal & Dwayne Bowe

Trade #2 - (Pitch) Randy Moss & Percy Harvin for (Jimmy) Ray Rice & Mike Williams (TB)

Trade #3 - (Cow) Greg Jennings & Santonio Holmes for (Randy) Larry Fitzgerald (Matt Cassel dropped)

I'll let you all decide for yourself concerning the values of the trades. But, I think it can be said, week 5 has kicked off with a bang.

For anyone who may not be aware, for trades to go through for Sunday's game, they must be accepted by Friday night. They'll be pending for one full day, Saturday. Waiver wire time for players dropped is two full days.

*** UPDATE ***

Trade #1, 2, and 3 are completed.

Week 4, Player(s) of the Week

Allowing 4 points, with 9 sacks, 2 interceptions, 1 fumble recovery, and scoring a defensive touchdown for a total of 43 points scored, the San Diego Defense is our week 4 Player of the Week. Congrats Dustin.

House keeping...

The link for League Scoring has been created. I've kept track of scoring for awhile, but it was hidden in the Record book. We'll keep track of current pace, no doubt it will be the lowest, or one of the lowest, years we've had. In the future, there will be some other links/pages created to help stream line the Record book and Standings, hopefully, making it easier to look things up.

You may have noticed that Labels have been added to the bottom of the posts. These make it easier to look up older posts that one might want to find later on. (e.g. Preview, Notes, etc...)

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Week 5 Preview

Randy Moss goes home edition.
So now everyone ask all the questions. What's that do for, Minnesota, New England, Favre, Brady, Welker, Hernandez, Tate, Harvin, Peterson, Rice and whoever else?

Player of the week voting is close, so if you havent voted... vote.

and on to the Match-ups...

Tuesday, October 5, 2010


Baseball ended, so you know what that means. Time for Basketball. Go to either the league message boards for Baseball or Football for the league ID# and password. Draft is tentively set for Oct 24 @ 9:00 PM, thats a Sunday night.

Monday, October 4, 2010

It's official...

Congratulations, Mr. Baseball...
Jimmy is our 2010 Baseball Champion.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Week 4 Monday Night

The one's that are final...

Matt 84 vs Cow 78 - Matt is 3-1, Cow's losing streak continues (8 straight).
Chavez 84 vs Chad 118 - OU beats Texas, Chad beats Chavez = good weekend for Chad.
Rick 63 vs Laron 134 - For the people who scoffed at Laron's team after the draft, he's 4-0.
Kyle 129 vs Rojo 63 - With dud, Rojo will have to wait another week for career win #80.

Now the one's still on the line...

AD 68 vs Randy 71 - Randy has 0 players left, I have Welker and TE Hernandez.
Thomas 57 vs Pitch 74 - Thomas has Henne, Pitch has Moss and 17 point lead.
Bang 57 vs Dustin 126 - Bang has MIA DEF, Dustin has Brady and 69 point lead.
Jimmy 115 vs Kurt 58 - Kurt has Marshall, Brown, and Green-Ellis, Jimmy has Gostkowski and 57 point lead.

In case you're wondering...

-18 doesnt make the list... but its really, really close.

-24 McNabb (2007)
-22 Hasselbeck (2009)
-20 Warner (2002)
-20 Roethlisberger (2008)
-19 Bledsoe (2005)
-19 Romo (2007)

Friday, October 1, 2010

Something new for friends and family...

I've noticed that our site gets hits from, literally, all over the world. I thought it might be nice for them to actually be able to click on a link and see the league. Also, I get asked by other friends and family how things are going. Now they can click on the link and see for themselves. They can follow as the fans that they are. Dont worry, they cant change anything.

So, just below the main header is a new link - visit ofl 2010

Tell your friends and family they can check in on your team there.