Wednesday, September 21, 2016


Week 3, 2016

AD (0-2) Vs Chad (0-2) ***Please don't let me go 0-3***

AD leads the overall series 16-9, didn't play each other last year, but Chad won the last match-up Week 16, 2014.  There's been massive upheaval this week within the front office, let's just say "heads have rolled".  There's a new Player Development & Evaluation Executive who will be announced at a later press conference. Will the trades make a difference?  Twice (2010 & 2014) AD has begun the season 0-3, 2014 actually recovered and made the playoffs, 2010 not so much.  Chad has never started a season going 0-3, except for 2002 (0-7) & 2012 (0-4), so who ever loses has a mountain to climb, but no mountain is unscalable.

AD favored +8

Alex (1-1) Vs Rick (1-1) ***DoomsDayDuel***

They met twice last year in Alex's first year and Alex won them both, leads series 2-0.  Rick's recovery plan is underway after a week 2 win and Alex snapped a small 4 game losing streak last week as well.  Both teams are hoping they've righted the ship but the problem is one of them is going to be 1-2 and panicking.

Alex favored +2

Kurt (0-2) Vs Jimmy (1-1)***My hole is bigger than yours***

Jimmy leads the series 7-4, at one point winning 7 straight.  Kurt's never started a season 0-3, but that's what's staring him in the face this week.  Even when Brady returns, will that be too big a hole to dig out of?  Jimmy's sitting on a roster I'd compare to dynamite, peaceful & quiet right now but capable of blowing your head off any second.  After losing to his arch-nemesis last week, he may threaten the league single game scoring record this week.

Kurt favored +1

Matt (1-1) Vs Cow (2-0)***Let's smoke some pot and go cow-tipping***

Cow leads the series 7-4, at one point winning 5 straight.  In my opinion, Matt's team is a major sleeper. It's been solid and he gets Bell back next week. Russell Wilson is not going to suck all year. Big upside. The last time Cow went 3-0, he went 9-0 (tied for best start to a season), and finished 12-5. I bring the following up not to rib Brent but as a reminder that fortune is a fickle bitch...In 2002, the season Cow went 9-0 and finished 12-5, saying the wheels fell off in the playoffs would be like saying the  Titanic "rubbed" an iceberg.  It was gruesome.  Hell, I needed therapy just watching it.  Luckily, that was then and this is now, or will history repeat itself?

Cow favored +8

Dustin (1-1) Vs Chip (1-1)***1? Try 106!***

1st Match-up.  Our defending champ is feeling out his way and finding his footing.  Losing Allen is a blow that no one wants to have to deal with, but if anyone can it's Dustin.  One of the big stories last week was Chip celebrating his 1st career win. Now that's over with, he's staring at a possible 1-2 record after 3 weeks, but then again, so is Dustin.

Dustin favored +10

John (1-1) Vs Papa (1-1)***Warning, pot hole ahead***

Papa leads the series 4-3, winning 3 of the last 4, split last year.  Like all the other teams that are 1-1, the third game is huge because of the direction it sends a team.  Win and you're on the upside and looking good, but lose and the reverse is true. These are both competitive teams but one of them is going to be in a hole after this week.  Not a deep hole, but a hole nonetheless. 

None favored, projections are that close.

Pitch (1-1) Vs Adrian (1-1)***See comments above + Tsunami Alert***

Series tied 1-1, they split last year.  One comment about this match-up and the one between Dustin and Chip, everyone in that division is 1-1, so winning or losing, may not be as dramatic because no one already has a lead.  But this week could be huge for whoever gets those wins because it establishes a lead.  We'll watch and see.

Pitch favored +14

LaRon (2-0) Vs Beas (2-0) ***Big Panties Game of the Week!***

Beas leads the series 5-1, leads may be a kind word here.  Some back story for you guys... LaRon entered the league in 2010. The year we went to 16 teams and 4 divisions.  LaRon drafted people that for some of us, literally (figuratively), we'd never heard of before.  He then picks up guys off of the waiver wire that, for some of us, literally (figuratively), we'd never heard of before.  One of those guys was Peyton Hillis who then goes on and scores like 30 points a game.  LaRon bolts out to a 6-0 start and looks unbeatable.  Beas, in preparation for his week 7 match-up against LaRon, calls him out posting a picture (below) in an attempt to psych out LaRon's worked.  Beas snapped the winning streak 149-119.

So here we are, both LaRon & Beas are 2-0 and the winner will have a huge advantage within the division going 3-0. A week three game in our league can have Yuge implications for division standings later in the year and this is a great example of that.

Beas favored +4


  1. The Big Panties may come out again!

    Killer Beas


  3. This should be an interesting week. A lot of parody at this point in the season.
