Tuesday, September 13, 2016


Week 1 LaRon vs Chad

Week 1

  • Big Breakfast
  • 123.55 pts, 1-0
  • Weekly Grade
  • $OONER$
  • 106.45 pts, 0-1
  • Weekly Grade
Big Breakfast is probably a huge fan of A.J. Green right now, who posted the third-highest player point total of the week with 36.00 points, leading to a 123.55 to 106.45 victory over $OONER$. Each team met their expectations, but Big Breakfast put up 28.7% more than a projected 95.99 points to get the win. Aaron Rodgers led $OONER$ with 28.55 points while Jason Witten brought in 15.60. Big Breakfast (1-0) kicks off the season in sixth place while $OONER$ (0-1) debuts in 12th place.

Top Players

    • A.J. Green
    • 36.00
    • Aaron Rodgers
    • 28.55
    • Kelvin Benjamin
    • 21.10
    • Ryan Fitzpatrick
    • 18.95

Smooth Moves by Big Breakfast

  • The Toyota Hall of Fame would have its eyes on you for this week's win. But the Toyota Hall of Fame doesn't have eyes. Obviously.
  • A.J. Green beat his scoring projection by a matchup-leading 114.2% and scored the third-most points in the league with 36.00.
  • Look, there in the sky. Is it a bird? Is it a plane? No, it's just Kelvin Benjamin posterizing opponents. He had the 10th-highest score of any WR in the league this week with 21.10 points.
  • This is the bar, and this is the team jumping over it. Big Breakfast had 5 of their 8 starters exceed their projected points.
  • Ryan Fitzpatrick exceeded scoring projections by 22.4%, with 18.95 points against a projected 15.48.

Toyota Roster Tune-up

  • 123.55 seems a lot higher when you're on the losing side of it. And the Toyota Hall of Fame knows you know that.
  • Even though $OONER$ lost, only 3 of their 8 starters scored less than their projected points.
  • With 9.10 points, Michael Floyd recorded only 75.8% of his 12.01-point scoring projection.
  • With 6.00 points versus a projected 8.81, the Green Bay Packers Defense scored only 68.1% of their projected point total.

What If

  • Besides $OONER$, Big Breakfast would have defeated nine other teams this week.
  • Hypothetically speaking, if Big Breakfast had scored 17.73 more points, they would have beaten every team in the league this week.
  • Besides Big Breakfast, $OONER$ would have been defeated by nine other teams this week.
  • If $OONER$ had scored 38.01 fewer points, they would have lost to all teams in the league this week.

Game Notes

  • The margin of victory for the matchup ended up being the smallest in the league this week at 17.10 points.
  • Big Breakfast got a combined 70.40 points from their WRs, the highest combined scoring output from the WR position for any team this week.
  • All was not bad for $OONER$ in the loss, as Jason Witten scored 15.60 points, the third-highest score for a TE in the league this week.
  • Adam Vinatieri tried to help $OONER$ in the loss, beating his scoring projection by 23.8% and scoring 9.00 points versus a 7.27-point projection.
  • Big Breakfast might want to see a chiropractor, because they were carrying Delanie Walker on their back the whole week. He was on the winning team, but only scored 7.20 points against his projected 11.59.
  • Both teams scored more than their projected points for the week.

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