Wednesday, September 28, 2016


Week 4, 2016

(We now live in a reality where Beas & Cow are the only undefeated teams left.)

AD (1-2) Vs Papa (1-2)
Power Ranking:  8th Vs 4th

Papa leads the series 3-2, winning both match-ups in 2015, the last being for the "Lucky Loser Pool". This is a big week for both teams because the difference between 2-2 & 1-3 seems pretty significant.  Both teams have had one average week, one bad week, and one really good week so far this year, so it's hard to predict what may happen.  Couple of trades between the two and we'll soon see how that plays out.

AD favored +15 (Dez questionable though)

Chad (0-3) Vs Rick (2-1)
Power Ranking:  12th Vs 15th

Rick leads the series 3-2, but they've gone back and forth the last 4, with Chad winning the last.  Chad's had an unfortunate schedule but he's also not scored over 106 nor has he scored less than 95.  Rick benefited last week winning while scoring just 73.7, but he'll take it I'm sure.  Starting 0-3 is not a death sentence, but 0-4 might be, so huge week for Chad and to make things worse, this is Aaron Rodgers & Jordy Nelson's bye week.  Yep, Rick's good fortune appears to continue...

Rick favored +23

LaRon (2-1) Vs John (2-1)
Power Ranking:  6th Vs 2nd

Just one meeting between these two so far, weird.  LaRon won it, week 4, 2013.  After back-to-back weeks of 120+, LaRon dropped the ball against arch-nemesis Beas last week scoring in the 80s. I guess that whole Psyche-out works.  John's been up twice and down once and his record reflects it.  So both teams look to get a little consistency started this week and being 3-1 after 4 weeks is a good place to be.

LaRon favored +8

Alex (1-2) Vs Beas (3-0) ***Tsunami Warning***
Power Ranking:  16th Vs 1st

Beas leads the series 1-0.  Beas is coming off his Yuge, Big Panties victory last week so he's gotta be worried about some let down.  But being 3-0 with 4-0 in-sight will probably keep his focus on target.  His last two wins have been gimmie's with his opponents not scoring more than 95, but wins nonetheless.  Alex's scoring has declined each week since week 1 and he's looking for a turn around.  Shocking the world might just be the adrenaline boost he needs to get back on track.

Beas favored +19

Kurt (0-3) Vs Chip (1-2)
Power Ranking:  14th Vs 10th

1st match-up.  Kurt's last two weeks have been 100+ so there's hope and Brady's just 1 week away from returning.  Chip's had one good week and two below average and his record reflects it.  It's a must-win for Kurt if he's going to make a push and Chip needs the win to avoid making his hole deeper.

Chip favored +11

Dustin (2-1) Vs Jimmy (2-1) ***Bullock Bowl 2016***  ***Game of the Week***
Power Ranking:  9th Vs 3rd

Dustin leads the series 7-6, winning 3 of the last 4, but Jimmy did win the last match-up week 11 of last year and Jimmy won the "Bullock Bowl Championship Game" of 2010.  Dustin's been consistent through three weeks scoring 100+ each week, but no higher than 109 points.  Jimmy has also scored 100+ each week with a week 1 high of 133 but scoring has been on a decline each week since.

Jimmy favored +9 or so, Dustin has a couple of empty spots at the time of this posting.

Matt (1-2) Vs Adrian (2-1)
Power Ranking:  7th Vs 13th

Adrian leads the series 1-0.  Matt had two very good weeks until the wheels fell off last week.  He gets Bell back this week and I hold to my previous statement that this team is going to make noise this season.  Adrian's had two good weeks and one bad one and his record reflects it.  Roster looks strong.

Adrian favored +8, (Once Matt puts Bell in...If Matt puts Bell in.)

Pitch (1-2) Vs Cow (3-0)
Power Ranking:  11th Vs 5th

Pitch leads the series 9-8-1, winning or tying the last 3.  Pitch had a really good week 1 but has scored in the 80s two weeks in a row for losses.  He's looking to turn that around. Cow's 3-0, he's ranked 5th in Power Ranking so it's not a fluke.  He's looking for more.

Pitch favored +6

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