Tuesday, December 1, 2015

IYPE after 12

IYPE Power Rankings calculate weeks 1-12, 2015

Jimmy 141-39 Stays #1 even with Alex's great season continuing.
Alex 136-44 Stays #2 but chasing Jimmy like Cartman on CheezyPoofs.
Beas 118-62 Holds the #3 spot but there are others who want it.
Pitch 115-65 Stays 4th but eyeing 3rd.
Dustin 110-70 Up 1 spot to crack top 5
AD 105-75 Down 1 after dud week, lost top 5 spot.
Hokie 88-92 Up 3 spots and has been charging lately
Papa 85-95 Keeps the 8th spot, that's better than half of everyone else
Chad 84-96 Down 2 and sliding
Matt 83-97 Up a spot and looking much stronger on paper
Hitters 80-100 Down 2 even with dominating win over hapless opponent
Cow 70-110 Holding the 12 spot down firm
Irving 66-114 Up 1 and looking higher
Adrian 64-116 Down 1 spot but looks so much better in real life.
Laron 64-116 Same Spot and has fled to a non-extradition state
Rick 30-150 Remains last, but has been making noise lately.

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