Tuesday, December 8, 2015

IYPE after 13

IYPE Power Rankings calculating weeks 1 - 13

#1) Jimmy 156-39 Another week @ #1 and not just holding it, but owning it.

#2) Alex 149-46 Comfortable @ #2 and pushing for top spot again

#3) Pitch 126-69 Up 1 spot to crack top 3, but there's a dogfight for it

#4) Beas 125-70 Lost a spot because of soft week, but just barely

#5) Dustin 120-75 Same spot as last week, but definitely pushing for top 3, still top 5

#6) AD 113-82 Kept the spot, but Matt is coming on for it as well

#7) Matt 97-98 Massive move this week, up 3 spots and looking good doing it.

#8) Rich 94-101 Down 1 spot, but has been strong in a resurgence

#9) Papa 94-101 Down 1 spot

#10) Chad 89-106 Also down 1 spot and current trends continue

#11) John 82-113 Same spot, but there's not an optimistic feeling here

#12) Adrian 76-119 Surged up 2 spots and has been of late

#13) Cow 71-124 Down 1 spot and focused on the premier of Star Wars, apparently.

#14) Irving 70-125 Down 1, 1 step forwards, 2 steps back

#15) Laron 64-131 Same spot and the misery can't end soon enough

#16) Rick 33-162 Still last, still on the bottom, still sucks...still surprising.

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