Tuesday, December 15, 2015


IYPE Power Rankings calculating weeks 1-14

Final IYPE Power Rankings for 2015.

#1)  159-51 Despite an off week, Jimmy holds the top spot after 14 weeks.

#2) 154-56 Just short of the top spot, Alex finishes as a clear top two team.

#3) 132-78 Luck and fortune may have played a role, but Pitch is still that good.

#4) 132-78 Beas finishes tied for 3rd and a great position to be in.

#5) 131-79 Dustin misses, by just 1, forcing three way tie for 3rd. Parity huh?

#6) 128-82 Just missed top 5, just missed playoffs

#7) 110-100 No one is hotter than Matt.

#8) 108-102 Papa finished strong, up 1 spot this week, finishes better than .500

#9) 101-109 Chad moves up 1 spot to finish top 10

#10) 98-112 Rich drops 2 spot, but really charge late in the season to finish top 10

#11) 91-119 John's season began declining and then continued to decline

#12) 77-133 Adrian surged late, but still...

#13) 74-136 Up 2 spots, Laron pretends to get out of the gutter.

#14) 73-137 Cow drops 1 spot and has been binge watching episodes of South Park

#15) 70-140 Irving drops 1 but at least didn't finish last.

#16) 41-169 Odd place to find Rick, but been here almost all year.

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