Monday, October 9, 2017

OkieSports presents Sheldon Cooper presents....

Fun with math (numbers)

I'm getting some flak for my easy start (it's deserved), but that got me wondering about who's had a good (easy) run in our league and what did it look like? All stats are consecutive games.

Opponents scoring against 

Randy - 
2011 - 5 consecutive games opponents averaged 72.4 points
2010 - 5 games 70.8
2010 - to start the season, 9 games 75.88 (got to be kidding me)

Kurt -
2014 - 5 games 78 points per
2013 - 4 games 70.75

Doc - 
2001 - 5 games 75.6

Beas -
2001 - to start the season, 6 games 78.83 (Mr. "I've never had it easy")
2003 - 6 games 80.83
2011 - to start the season, 8 games 87.37 (high 97)
2012 - 4 games 79.5

Dustin -
2016 - 7 games 81.56 (cupcake schedule)

Pitch -
2009 - 5 games 83.6
2013 - 5 games 74.6
2014 - 1st 7 games 84.28

Jimmy -
2012 - 5 games 76.2

Rick -
2012 - 6 games 77.17
2010 - 4 games 74.5

Papa -
2014 - 5 games 81.8

LaRon -
2010 - to start the season, 6 games 74 points per

John -
2011 - to start the season, 5 games 82.6 points per game

Chad -
2006 - 4 games 77.25

Brent - 
2011 - 4 games 68.5 (can't say it never happens)

Adrian -
2016 - 4 games 67.89

AD -
2001 - 6 games 67.83
2017 - 1st 5 games, 69.25 points scored against per game
(These are the times that even out when you're getting blasted every week so one ought to enjoy them when they come around...and I am)

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