Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Power Rankings...

Week 5, 2017

54-21 (overall), 29-16 (last three weeks) Dustin jumps 2 spots to claim #1 spot with big week.
54-21, 33-12 Chip smoking hot all of a sudden. Up 3 spots
49-26, 25-20 AD struggling last two weeks and it's showing 
48-27, 30-15 John same spot but gaining
47-28, 23-22 Ryan bad week tumbles 4 spots but remains top 5
47-28, 31-14 Jimmy back to back 12-3 weeks has him headed to the top up 1 this week
46-29, 29-16 Adrian good week up 2
40-35, 27-18 Papa falls 2 spots with weak week 5 showing
39-36, 32-13 Beas down 1 but better lately 
32-43, 14-31 Brent nc but losing ground 2 of the last 3 weeks
30-45, 26-19 Isac nc but things have looked better the last two weeks
25-50, 9-36 Rick nc 3-12 the last 3 weeks. If there's no fire, there's sure a lot of smoke.
26-49, 16-29 Chad up 2 with decent week. Ends a 3 week slide
25-50, 11-34 Lane same spot better week though
20-55, 10-35 LaRon falls two spots, back to back 0-15 weeks will do that.
18-57, 15-30 Pitch nc may not have to pass LaRon as LaRon may pass him.  

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