Monday, October 9, 2017

Trading Post

Fascinating trade between The Only Bull & Killer Beas.  This trade doesn't happen in any league that doesn't have Franchise Tags (keepers) and it doesn't happen in our league without them either.  In most leagues Odell Beckham's injury makes him worthless, but with the ability to tag him next year (and the year after that) he does have value.  Lane is looking at 0-5.  He's not going to make the playoffs except for some Herculean comeback that's highly unlikely yet still possible.  So, Lane makes a move ridding himself of an under-performing Cooper for the ability to tag Beckham in the future.  Beas goes from losing a top pick out-right this year to replacing him with players that he can play this year.  Not to mention Beas has Sterling Shepard already on his roster!  Cooper & Funchess add two players he can play this year for a player that would give him nothing this year.  Two teams utilizing two different strategies based on their records and all because we have Franchise Tags.

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