Tuesday, October 3, 2017


Hawks Vs Porky Pappy Piggy

Week 4

  • Hawks
  • 114.65 pts, 4-0
  • Weekly Grade
  • Porky Pigmy Pyxies
  • 101.6 pts, 2-2
  • Weekly Grade
Todd Gurley II and the Green Bay Packers Defense are going to have sore backs tomorrow after carrying Hawks to a victory over Porky Pigmy Pyxies 114.65 to 101.60. They scored 34.50 and 16.00 points, respectively. Hawks has proven they are for real and remains undefeated. Kirk Cousins led Porky Pigmy Pyxies with 26.80 points while Keenan Allen brought in 18.80. Porky Pigmy Pyxies (2-2, 402.40 points) drops to ninth place while Hawks (4-0, 471.15 points) remains in first place.

Top Players

    • Todd Gurley II
    • 34.50
    • Kirk Cousins
    • 26.80
    • Keenan Allen
    • 18.80
    • Detroit Lions Defense
    • 18.00

Smooth Moves by Hawks

  • Congrats, Hawks. You outscored your opponent. Next up: outperforming all other Fantasy Football players to get into the Toyota Hall of Fame.
  • Todd Gurley II didn't have the best score of the week, but there ain't no shame in his game. He had 34.50 points, the second-highest RB score of the week and the fourth-highest RB score in the league this season.
  • The Green Bay Packers Defense had their highest scoring output of the season with 16.00 points.
  • Stephen Gostkowski scored a season-high 12.00 points and beat his scoring projection by 27.8%, which also is a season-high.
  • Even with only 4 of the 8 starters scoring more than their projection, Hawks was still able to win.

Toyota Roster Tune-up

  • Dear, Porky Pigmy Pyxies: Sorry to hear you lost. Toyota Hall of Famers don't really know how that feels, but surely it can't feel great. Next week, just win.
  • Left Lamar Miller on the bench, where he scored 29.10 points, exceeding his scoring projection by 152.2%, the highest percentage in the matchup.
  • The Pittsburgh Steelers Defense, which was left on the bench, exceeded their 11.70-point projection with 20.00 points.
  • With 0.70 points, Derrick Henry was last in the matchup in scoring and got only 7.6% of his projected point total, which is his lowest percentage of the season.
  • The 2.70 points scored by Sammy Watkins was a season-low for both scoring and for his performance against projections. He reached only 18.3% of his 14.72 projected points this week.

What If

  • Hawks would be 3-1 if they played Porky Pigmy Pyxies every week.
  • Besides Porky Pigmy Pyxies, Hawks would have defeated 12 other teams this week.
  • Hawks would be 3-0 if they played the same schedule as Porky Pigmy Pyxies.
  • If Hawks had played every team in the league each week, they would be 46-14.
  • Porky Pigmy Pyxies would have lost to six other teams besides Hawks this week.
  • And they say procrastination doesn't pay off! Had they played each other last week, Hawks would have lost to Porky Pigmy Pyxies 128.25 - 100.00.
  • Porky Pigmy Pyxies would be 3-0 if they played the same schedule as Hawks.
  • If they played every team every week, Porky Pigmy Pyxies would be 36-24.

Game Notes

  • Don't you hate that person that always has to one-up everybody? Porky Pigmy Pyxies scored 101.60 points and lost. It is the third-highest losing score in the league this season.
  • Hawks won by 13.05 points, covering the 12.09-point spread.
  • Hawks got a combined 50.30 points from their RBs, the highest combined scoring output from the RB position for any team this week.
  • Hawks is in first place, the third week that they have sat atop the standings.
  • Hawks won despite failing to reach their projected point total, improving to 2-0 when doing so. Porky Pigmy Pyxies also failed to reach their point expectation and falls to 1-2 in such games.
  • The 114.65 points scored by Hawks ranked third in the league this week.
  • Keenan Allen was on the losing team, but still had the seventh-highest score of any WR in the league this week with 18.80 points.
  • Tell Golden Tate to go to a nice restaurant, maybe grab a milk shake, or even take a bubble bath. Because he should forget about this performance. Golden Tate was on the winning team, but scored a season-low 6.10 points, only 38.0% of his 16.07-point projection, his lowest percentage of the season.

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