Wednesday, September 27, 2017

How many does it take?

Whether you're 3-0, 0-3, or anywhere in-between...
2000 - 8-7
2001 - 8-7
2002 - 8-7
2003 - 8-7
2004 - 8-7
2005 - 9-6
2006 - 8-7
2007 - 9-6
2008 - 8-6-1
2009 - 8-7
2010 - 8-5-1
2011 - 8-6
2012 - 8-6
2013 - 9-5
2014 - 8-6
2015 - 8-6
2016 - 8-6

In all but three years since 2000, 8 wins has gotten at least one team into the playoffs.

8-5-1 in 2013 didn't make it.
8-6 in 2012 didn't make it (there were two teams, one made it, the other didn't)
8-6 didn't make it in 2011, but a 8-6 team won a division.
8-6 didn't make it in 2010, but could have except for a tie.

So, no matter what your record is right now, you know the mark to reach.  8 wins gives you a shot.  8-6 has made the playoffs the last 3 years.

There's also been three 8 win Championship teams, AD (2002), Bang (2008), and Matt (2012)

Matt's 2012 is actually a really good, admittedly rare, example of what could happen.  For those who remember, that team got really hot the last 5/6 games of the year. Sure, it had Adrian Peterson, Dez Bryant, & RGIII, but that was about it.

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